
Thirty Days of Thankfulness

I just love the message board! These are best group of ladies ever. One of the members, Caitlynsmommy, started a thread the other day about the Thirty Days of Thankfulness. She is going to write a sentence or two each day about what she is thankful for and at the end of the month she’ll have a mini book of journaling and photos. What a wonderful idea! So I have borrowed her suggestion and I am starting (yes, late!) on one for myself. We are all grateful for the big things; family, friends, health, home, and of course, our Heavenly Father. But this is more about the little things, too. Those everyday blessings that we may overlook and, unless we document it, may forget. So join me as I journal my Thirty Days of Thankfulness.

Since I am starting late, I will just write 5 things I am thankful for at the moment:

  1. that God loves me – no matter what!
  2. I have a beautiful and healthy daughter
  3. I have a handsome and healthy son
  4. Very good friends that have stood by me through it all
  5. That I got up this morning (Friday) and had a very productive day!

I am so happy to be doing this. It will make me look at things a little differently – I will appreciate the little things more. I hope that we can all complete this journal – this slice of our lives – together!

Until tomorrow, Happy Crafting,



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