
My heart hurts.....

... in more than one way today! I'm sorry that I haven't posted for a while but I've had some serious health problems and concerns but I'm working with my doctor to get well. But today my heart breaks again for the families in Newtown, CT. It's just not right, not this early in their young lives, not at this time of year, not at anytime! Please continue to pray for all those who were personally touched by this horrific tragedy and those parents, grandparents, and siblings of the 20 little Angels and the six who tried to protect them.

And if you have a small prayer left over, I'll be blessed to have any that you can send up.
Thank you and God bless you!



  1. I cried, and prayed all day yeaterday. My children are all older and out of the house. As well as accrossed the country. So as a mother I called and just to hear their voice, so of them were working so all I got was their voice mail. It made me feel better when they called me and I got to tell them all I love you. My prayers are with you and everyone of those dear families. May god bless them and keep them in his arms.
